Writing Book 3 of The Azellian Affairs

Writing Book 3 of The Azellian Affairs

One of the joys of writing is the exploration. My writing is organic, unfolding in a vivid tapestry of ideas, characters and discovery. I uncover my world as my readers do, finding the story within, taking it step-by-step toward a finished product - sometimes misstepping (okay, often misstepping) - so that I have to start all over again.

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Kyarinal (Festival)

Kyarinal (Festival)

In reality, Festival is nothing like Tamara’s fear and shame paint it. Since most participants don’t remember what happened, including Merran, I went instead to another source. Galadrian Raderth is a sage, a seer and someone who bears a perspective and awareness far beyond our own. I’ve only begun to learn the depths of this character, who spends quite a bit of time whispering in my ear about Azelle and Azellian life. I have my suspicions about just who Galadrian actually is, and I suspect he’ll be surprising me for some time to come—but for now, I am content to ask him questions and see which ones he’ll actually answer. 

Sara: Thanks for sitting down with me, Galadrian. 

Galadrian: It’s my pleasure. 

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Our society loves to play with the concept of “the one”—the “prince” or “princess” who is our soulmate, bound to us through all eternity. We see it over and over again in romantic comedies and romance stories. For some of us, it’s a knight on a white charger who will battle our demons and rescue us from our lives. For others, it’s a person with whom they have an intense, soul-deep connection. Still others fight against the concept and dismiss it out of hand.

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Lessons from the Writing Process: Book 3

Lessons from the Writing Process: Book 3

The time is rapidly approaching to turn over book 3 of the Azellian Affairs to my editor. This is quite a landmark for me, considering this book has taken me quite a bit longer than I expected. Some of this was due to the vagaries of life—when one is a mostly self published author working with a small vanity press, things in life sometimes happen that cause delays in publication—but a large portion of it was because it took me a while to write the book. 

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