We're back!

Welcome to the explorations of Sara L Daigle!

After what has to be the oddest two years in the history of the world (well, my world, anyway, and, I daresay, most of the rest of the world’s, too), my next book is FINALLY done! Revelations: Book Three of the Azellian Affairs is at long, long last finished editing and is now moving into production. Of course, there remain quite a few moving parts, so I still don’t have a solid release date yet, BUT it will be this year.

As I’ve shared in previous posts, the journey to publication with this book has been long, bumpy and reached deep into places in me that I have never experienced before. It is a labor indeed—a labor of love, a labor of growth, and one of the most intense stories I have ever written so far. This story and the people in it took me to very deep places in myself and I am very excited to share it with the world.

And I know, loyal readers, that it has been torture to keep you waiting.

So in the interim, I have exciting news: I am launching myself and the Azellian Affairs on a new platform, in which you can learn more about the story behind the story, where I will be posting appendices, backstory and more of my creative endeavors to help you through the in-between-book-times. Here is your opportunity to Travel with Sara L Daigle and the Azellian Affairs!

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A Thank You To Merry Dissonance Press

Although I am not technically self-published (I am working with an indie publisher), there is a certain power to publishing through the indie circuit that reminds me of the edgy, remarkable, very powerful movies that get made through the indie industry. My publisher, Merry Dissonance Press, has been a blessing and a huge help as I wandered into a brand new world, sometimes quite literally. I had to learn a new language, a new set of rules, an entirely new paradigm from which to function, and Donna Mazzitelli helped me do that. Step by step, as my book went from edited manuscript through to final product, Donna helped me navigate the steps to actually holding a copy of my book in my hand.

So much goes into the production of a book: cover art design, layout design, putting the book up into various e-book outlets (from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, all the way to Smashwords), making sure it looks good and is professional at every step of the way, and even registering it with the Library of Congress and getting an IBSN number. Even help with the book launch party and making sure I had all the supplies for that….I had no idea you even needed any of that to launch a book. No idea of the sheer work that goes into the background of getting a book out there. I have quite a bit more sympathy for the publishers of the world, and for the authors who self-publish. Diving into the world of publication, while it is very different than it used to be, can still be a bit bewildering to the novice. Merry Dissonance Press helped me face that challenge and really navigate it. I’m very excited for book 2 and where it will take us!